We are excited to announce that Medicaid is now covering:
DIRFloortime was discovered and created as an organized way to discuss and explain how we develop as humans. In the 1980’s, Dr. Stanley Greenspan and Dr. Serena Weider were trying to understand the foundational building blocks needed for us to develop physically, emotionally and cognitively. In order to have a better understanding of this they connected with professionals of all disciplines to discover that there was a very organized way in which humans develop and one of the most important pieces was through our relationships with others.
DIRFloortime looks at a child’s development according to Dr. Greenspan’s Functional Emotional Developmental Capacities, which reflect development across the lifespan. And it’s predictable because this occurs in an actual order. Our main goal is to help you understand where your child is developmentally so you can help support them reach higher stages of development.
DIR stands for Developmental, Individual Differences and Relationship-Based.
The DIRFloortime approach has 9 Functional Emotional Developmental Capacities. The goal is to identify which Capacity your child is functioning at and which capacities require support. Using this information, we strengthen the current capacity to lead them to the next capacity. This is done through getting on the floor, playing with your child and following their interests!
Individual Differences
We will help you look at how your child is processing his/her world through their senses. It will give you a better understanding how auditory, tactile, visual, vestibular, taste and smell senses are impacting their ability to remain at an even level of arousal so that they can play and learn as well as how to support your child if these types of challenges arise.
Relationship Based
DIRFloortime supports acceptance and appreciation of who the child is and highlights that caregivers can best support the child by following their lead. Through this type of interaction, caregivers can build strong relationships with their child and help support their development in a kind, loving and respectful way.
More specifically the Functional Emotional Developmental Capacities are the following:
Regulation and interest in the world
Engaging and relating
Purposeful 2-way communication
Complex communication and shared problem solving
Using symbols and creating emotional ideas
Logical thinking and building bridges between ideas
Multiple perspectives
Gray area thinking
Our Process
Contact our office to set up an evaluation. We will call your insurance company to get an approval for you.
Our evaluations are scheduled in 2 hour time blocks. It may or may not take a full 2 hours.
Once completed and recommendations are made, we will contact your insurance company again to get visits authorized.
Your treatment program will be determined by your child’s needs as per our evaluation, your own schedule and what is approved by your insurance company.